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Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Get The Fock Out Of He'ya
*Giggle* I can't help it. I giggle everytime I think of that movie (I think it was End of Days) with Aaahnold. If you watch it, in the opening part of the flick Ahnold tells his partner to "Get the fuck out of here." But, of course, in the warped dialect that is Mr. Universe's way....... it came out much different. NEW RULE I say... if you can't say the naughty words correctly... don't say them! Heh.

So you ask, why am I even talking about Ahnold? I dunno really, it's somewhat frightening. It seems that Womanofscorn and I have become obsessive little twits with everything. First there was photo editing and our rehashing of old 80s/90s NKOTB songs.... then there was her lustful infatuation with 90210 (of which I've since outdone..... Yes friends and horrified readers, I am addicted to the teeny/tweeny drama Degrassi. *whimper blush* I watched the original as a kid and have since discovered the "Next Generation". I seriously think there's something wrong with me).... now it's moved on to Ahnold.

Behind the blogging scene, *Cue VH1's behind the scenes music* Woman and I have been spending WAY too many hours giggling on the telephone. Don't ask me how but we're now stuck on Ahnold. Speaking like Ahnold, joking about Ahnold. Gods someone shoot us now. Err.... that was figuratively cyberstalkers. I'm seriously thinking we should just audioblog it all, but to think about it drudges up a whole new layer of embarrassment and shame. Maybe I need to be drunk to do it...... we'll see. It's all just so............ OBTUSE.

And finally, the only news of the day that actually makes sense... I finally signed up for the medical terminology class. I feel sort of like I'm cheating, even though I know it's a good thing to do the whole 'continuing education' route. I just don't feel that it's 'real college' somehow. Assinine, I know. I still wish I could have went to 'real college', and now with hindsight 20/20 of course, I see how I really fudged my life up way back when I was just a stupid kid. *sigh* Perhaps I'll be one of those 60-year olds who finally get to go to college and I can major in philosophy and other neat and interesting things. By then of course my mind probably won't be able to comprehend what the hell is going on, but hey...... it may still be fun. If I'm lucky I could just change my name to Dangerfield and have a son on the dive team. How grand!
